Grow in Faith

St. Isidore offers faith formation programs for disciples of all ages, from kindergarten through high school through adults!

Join us in Prayer

St. Isidore offers many ways you can grow your prayer life. We offer opportunities for quiet Eucharistic Adoration, daily Mass, active Prayer Groups, and more.

Participate in a Ministry

St. Isidore offers many different ways you can connect with the community our help make our world a better place.

Parish News & Events


Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of…

Men About Christ

Check out the Men’s Group at St. Isidore: Men About Christ Men about faith…   Men about family…    Men about fellowship… Meeting approximately every 4 weeks…

Grupo de Hombres

Grupo de Hombres, Palabra de Vida Meeting approximately twice per month. 7:30-9:00 pm in the Chapel Basement Manténgase alerta, permanezcan firmes en la fe; Sean…