Welcome to St. Isidore Connect Youth Ministries, a 2-year program for teens in 7th-11th grade, culminating in the sacrament of Confirmation.
Contact us any time at faithformation@stisidoreparish.org or (513) 620-4CYM.
Year 1 – CYM 101
In the 1st year of the program, teens will begin to understand their faith at a more grown-up level. They will have small group discussions, attend Teen Mass, and participate in service projects.
Year 2 – Confirmation Prep
In the 2nd year of the program, teens will dig deeper into the Catholic faith and learn how to make it their own. They will continue the activities from last year, additionally choosing their Confirmation Sponsor, Saint, and Motto, and finally receive the sacrament of Confirmation in spring.
Parent Resources
- Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults
- Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults – in Spanish
- Standards of Behavior for those working with Minors and Vulnerable Adults
- Standards of Behavior for those working with Minors and Vulnerable Adults – in Spanish
- Parent Guide to Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Volunteer Resources
- Facilitators and volunteers are always needed. Please consider helping to pass the Catholic faith along to our teens.
Teen Mass
During the years of preparation for Confirmation, our CYM community celebrates a special Mass each month especially for our teens and their families. The teens participate fully in the Mass, acting as liturgical ministers, singing in youthful praise, and contributing to a social gathering afterward.
Teen Masses are held during the school year once per month on Sundays at 4:30 PM in our main church.
Everyone, including family members, parishioners and guests, are invited to share in this vibrant and personal encounter with Christ in the Mass.