Are you ready to deepen your prayer life?

St. Isidore has a new partnership with Hallow, the #1 prayer app. Through prayer and meditation rooted in the Catholic faith, Hallow helps people grow closer to God. All parishioners are invited to be a part of St. Isidore’s parish page in the app. There, you’re able to create a profile, share prayer requests, and take part in prayer challenges together.

Lent 2025

Hallow’s Pray40 daily challenge includes meditations from the writings of St. Josemaria Escriva, author of the spiritual classic, The Way. But the app includes over 10,000 different prayer sessions. From morning routines like Bible in a Year to music and courses, there is something for everyone—including kids! The Kids’ Lent Challenge is called The Little Way.

So, how do you use Hallow? There are flyers in the Narthex and in the bulletin to help get you started. Parishioners will receive a special $1 trial which gives access to all the app’s premium content for one year, but if you’d like to forgo and remain on the free version, simply hit “Skip” and you’ll have access to our parish page.