We are happy to welcome parishioners and guests to our beautiful campus, located at the corner of Gary Ave. and Army Trail Rd. in Bloomingdale, IL.
Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/Ka9jnweg2BhLPEHaA

Click here for office hours and contact information.
Main Church: This is the location of our primary liturgical services, including weekend Masses. It is best accessed from our main parking lot entrance off of Gary Ave. This is also the location of our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.
Chapel: We are blessed to have our original church, built in 1920, which faces Army Trail Rd. The Chapel now hosts some holiday Masses, weddings, funerals and other events. To visit this building, you may turn in off of Army Trail Rd. (coming from the east) and park in either of the small lots near it.
Parish Office: To visit our Parish Office, you may you may turn in off of Army Trail Rd. (coming from the east) and park in any of the parking spaces near it. The entrance is located away from Army Trail Rd., on the north side of the building.
St. Isidore Catholic School, Faith Formation Office & Ministry Center/Gymnasium: To access these buildings, you may park in our main lot and then follow the sidewalk to the south.