What are the tuition and fee costs for the 2025-26 school year, and payment options available?
Download and view our 2025-26 Schedule of Tuition and Fees
How are my tuition payments processed?
SICS partners with the FACTS Management company to support the school in managing the tuition collection process and communication needs throughout the school year. FACTS is the nation’s leading tuition payment plan provider for private and faith-based schools. The program is an online, automated tuition collection process and platform for your school needs.
Am I eligible for any financial assistance?
St. Isidore Catholic School is thankful to be the recipient of Diocesan and Parish funding to assist our families with providing a Catholic education for our youth. Because funding is limited, all families who would like to be considered for financial assistance are asked to complete an online application, which is due by March 1st for the following year.
For application information and more details, visit our Financial Aid page.
How can our family best share our Time, Talent, & Treasure?
Our deepest desire is to empower you in the development of your child’s faith formation, through your very example. Our biggest prayer is through these simple practices, the Holy Spirit would be alive and active in your family, shining the light of Jesus for the world to see.
We believe in the biblically based principle of first fruits. We honor our faith by going first and ask for your partnership in the same by trusting God in freely giving of your Time, Talent and Treasure through:
- Participating in weekly mass services (in person or online) as a family,
- Serving in any of our parish and school ministries through your gifts and talents,
- Giving back to God each week through the Sunday offertory.
*St.Isidore Parish supports St.Isidore Catholic School through subsidizing 25% of tuition costs to educate each student, K-8 grade. Parishioners of SICS receive this gift for their commitment to stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure.
What would happen if our family were to run into financial trouble?
All tuition and fees must be kept current. Your child’s continued enrollment/attendance is contingent upon keeping your account current. All accounts are monitored monthly. Students may be excluded from classes if accounts are seriously delinquent. If a hardship should occur, please contact the school office (630) 529-9323 or finance office (630) 295-8327 as soon as possible.
A late fee may be assessed for tuition collected after the 20th of the month. A NSF fee will be assessed on all non-funded payments. Registration for the next school year will not be processed until all accounts are current. Final payments for the school year must be received by April 20th or your child/children’s place may be offered to a child on the waitlist.