• Preschool
    • We pray and meet lots of friends here.
  • Kindergarten
    • We can go to church and learn new things about God.
    • We do fun stuff in class and help others.
    • We go on fun field trips
  • 1st Grade
    • We learn about religion.
    • I like when we go to Mass.
    • We like our principal.
    • We have great teachers.
  • 2nd Grade
    • My friends are nice.
    • I like to play with my friends at recess and make sure everyone has someone to play with.
    • I like the math because it makes my brain think.
  • 3rd Grade
    • I am safe here. We learn about God and the teachers make learning fun.
    • We learn about God. I like going to mass because we receive the Body of Christ.
    • There are many nice people and nice teachers. I love the holiday parties and the charities that the school supports. I love the different classes with teachers that work their hardest so we can have a successful year.
  • 4th Grade
    • We get to learn about God, Mary and the Holy Spirit.
    • The teachers are so nice! They help us when we have a hard time and take care of us. When we have a test, we always do something cool to prepare for it.
    • I have nice friends and we do cool projects.
  • 5th Grade
    • I like learning with my friends.
    • The way we learn more about God in our everyday classroom work is very special.
  • 6th Grade
    • I can learn about God and there are amazing teachers that can help me when I am struggling. I also have very kind friends.
    • The reason I love SICS is because of how caring the teachers are. They help us to be better Christians.
    • The teachers are great role models and they always help me when I need it.
  • 7th Grade
    • I like SICS because of the nice friends and friendly teachers. I also love weekly Mass.
    • There are so many helpful and kind teachers and students.
    • I can go to church and learn and also see my friends.
  • 8th Grade
    • This is a welcoming community that you can always count on to make you feel cared for and included. SICS is a life-long family where you will never feel out of place.
    • SICS is a friendly community that is constantly open to new ideas and opportunities. The encouraging teachers make learning an exciting journey and they help make each student feel engaged along the way.
    • I have only been here for a few years, but school is a home away from home for me. My class is my second family. I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for SICS.